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17 thoughts on “Full Measure After Hours: The Unseen Crisis: Covid Vaccine Injuries (Podcast)”

  1. Thank you so much Sharyl for covering this topic. You are one of the very few journalists brave enough. I found you in 2020 and have read all your books. You helped open my eyes to the propaganda and unfortunate death of journalism. I am grateful that another journalist Ty Bollinger helped open my eyes to the Big Pharma take over and vaccines. So glad I didn’t take the shot.

  2. Thank you so much Sharyl for covering this topic. You are one of the very few journalists brave enough. I found you in 2020 and have read all your books. You helped open my eyes to the propaganda and unfortunate death of journalism. I am grateful that another journalist Ty Bollinger helped open my eyes to the Big Pharma take over and vaccines. So glad I didn’t take the shot.

  3. Saw the premier on Epoch TV, May 19, 2023. I think I will watch again. Oh, for others you can find it on Rumble. Just search.

    1. John LaRandeau,

      This scribbler awaits a more
      pressing danger—to be reported
      by Sharyl and Full Measure Team :

      — Great Replacement of Whites by Coloreds —
      Below paragraph found here :

      Do a Google or DuckDuckGo search,
      for “Happy White Woman”—find White
      Men gone !

      “The Great Replacement started in the
      world of sports. As a sports fanatic, I
      saw this first hand. I witnessed the White
      coaches favoring Black players who were
      not any more skilled than their White
      competitors, and often had ugly
      characteristics that made them less
      valuable. Lack of impulse control,
      resulting in stupid penalties or fouls.
      Selfishness, especially in sports like
      basketball. Putting themselves first over
      the team. It’s not like sports weren’t fully
      integrated during the 1960s. Even then,
      Blacks were overrepresented, especially in
      basketball. But today, the NFL and NBA
      are utterly dominated by Black players, the
      majority of whom are affirmative action
      projects. They aren’t remotely qualified for
      their positions. They are replacements.”


      1. P.S.

        BrainBlind Libertine Marxists
        won’t mention Senator Ted
        Kennedy’s L I E to American
        C I T I Z E N S, which has put
        White Civil Society in its
        present-day DEATH Throes :

        Forwarded Message :

        – snip –

        What does “Lie” mean to you ?

        Read late Marxian Senator Ted Kennedy’s LIE here—re his LIE to WHITES about
        his IMMIGRATION bill of 1965 :

        Marxian Senator Edward M. Kennedy (D-MA),
        Commenting on the passage of his Immigration
        Act of 1965–His (broken) P R O M I S E :

        “Out of deference to the critics, I want to comment on … what the bill
        will not do. First, our cities will not be flooded with a million immigrants
        annually. Under the proposed bill, the present level of immigration
        remains substantially the same … Secondly,
        THE [ Racial ]
        ETHNIC Mix
        of THIS
        Country WILL
        not BE Upset
        [ WHITES’ Majority Status
        is to be protected—caps
        my emphasis ] …
        Contrary to the charges in some quarters,
        S. 500
        [ none-WHITE ]
        [ caps my emphasis ]
        from any one country or area, or the most populated and economically
        deprived nations of Africa and Asia In the final analysis, the ethnic
        pattern of immigration under the proposed measure is not expected to
        change as sharply as the critics seem to think. Thirdly, the bill will not
        permit the entry of subversive persons, criminals, illiterates, or those
        with contagious disease or serious mental illness. As I noted a moment
        ago, no immigrant visa will be issued to a person who is likely to become
        a public charge … the charges I have mentioned are highly emotional,
        irrational, and with little foundation in fact. They are out of line with the
        obligations of responsible citizenship. They breed hate of our heritage.”
        ( Senate Part 1, Book 1, pp. 1-3 )

        Recall Founder/Framer
        John Jay’s WHITE-Premised,
        founding words of UNITY :

        “Providence has been pleased to give this one
        connected country to one united people
        . . . descended from the same ancestors,
        speaking the same language, professing the
        same religion, attached to the same principles
        of government, very similar in their manners
        and customs, and who . . . fighting side by
        side throughout a long and bloody war, have
        nobly established their general liberty and

        A racially homogeneous collective of whites conceived and built this nation to reflect their innate ( genetic ) qualities, which unparalleled ingenuity and achievement has attracted every type of human worldwide—people attracted by the unparalleled bounty that white men and women and offspring have created in their Western nation-states, and which bounty has been slowly eroded by ever-increasing anti-white racial diversity/perversity within them.

        – snip –

      2. P.S.

        BrainBlind Libertine Marxists
        won’t mention Senator Ted
        Kennedy’s L I E to American
        C I T I Z E N S, which has put
        White Civil Society in its
        present-day DEATH Throes :

        Forwarded Message :

        – snip –

        What does “Lie” mean to you ?

        Read late Marxian Senator Ted Kennedy’s LIE here—re his LIE to WHITES about
        his IMMIGRATION bill of 1965 :

        Marxian Senator Edward M. Kennedy (D-MA),
        Commenting on the passage of his Immigration
        Act of 1965–His (broken) P R O M I S E :

        “Out of deference to the critics, I want to comment on … what the bill
        will not do. First, our cities will not be flooded with a million immigrants
        annually. Under the proposed bill, the present level of immigration
        remains substantially the same … Secondly,
        THE [ Racial ]
        ETHNIC Mix
        of THIS
        Country WILL
        not BE Upset
        [ WHITES’ Majority Status
        is to be protected—caps
        my emphasis ] …
        Contrary to the charges in some quarters,
        S. 500
        [ none-WHITE ]
        [ caps my emphasis ]
        from any one country or area, or the most populated and economically
        deprived nations of Africa and Asia In the final analysis, the ethnic
        pattern of immigration under the proposed measure is not expected to
        change as sharply as the critics seem to think. Thirdly, the bill will not
        permit the entry of subversive persons, criminals, illiterates, or those
        with contagious disease or serious mental illness. As I noted a moment
        ago, no immigrant visa will be issued to a person who is likely to become
        a public charge … the charges I have mentioned are highly emotional,
        irrational, and with little foundation in fact. They are out of line with the
        obligations of responsible citizenship. They breed hate of our heritage.”
        ( Senate Part 1, Book 1, pp. 1-3 )

        Recall Founder/Framer
        John Jay’s WHITE-Premised,
        founding words of UNITY :

        “Providence has been pleased to give this one
        connected country to one united people
        . . . descended from the same ancestors,
        speaking the same language, professing the
        same religion, attached to the same principles
        of government, very similar in their manners
        and customs, and who . . . fighting side by
        side throughout a long and bloody war, have
        nobly established their general liberty and

        A racially homogeneous collective of whites conceived and built this nation to reflect their innate ( genetic ) qualities, which unparalleled ingenuity and achievement has attracted every type of human worldwide—people attracted by the unparalleled bounty that white men and women and offspring have created in their Western nation-states, and which bounty has been slowly eroded by ever-increasing anti-white racial diversity/perversity within them.

        – snip –

    2. John LaRandeau,

      This scribbler awaits a more
      pressing danger—to be reported
      by Sharyl and Full Measure Team :

      — Great Replacement of Whites by Coloreds —
      Below paragraph found here :

      Do a Google or DuckDuckGo search,
      for “Happy White Woman”—find White
      Men gone !

      “The Great Replacement started in the
      world of sports. As a sports fanatic, I
      saw this first hand. I witnessed the White
      coaches favoring Black players who were
      not any more skilled than their White
      competitors, and often had ugly
      characteristics that made them less
      valuable. Lack of impulse control,
      resulting in stupid penalties or fouls.
      Selfishness, especially in sports like
      basketball. Putting themselves first over
      the team. It’s not like sports weren’t fully
      integrated during the 1960s. Even then,
      Blacks were overrepresented, especially in
      basketball. But today, the NFL and NBA
      are utterly dominated by Black players, the
      majority of whom are affirmative action
      projects. They aren’t remotely qualified for
      their positions. They are replacements.”


  4. Saw the premier on Epoch TV, May 19, 2023. I think I will watch again. Oh, for others you can find it on Rumble. Just search.

  5. Thank you for telling the truth about Covid reactions to the vaccine and the doctors who have been condemned by their colleagues who know how to treat Covid side effects. What was the name of the hospital shown in the video? You are GREAT please keep striving for the truth to the public. God Bless you and keep telling the truth in your reports!!!

  6. Thank you for telling the truth about Covid reactions to the vaccine and the doctors who have been condemned by their colleagues who know how to treat Covid side effects. What was the name of the hospital shown in the video? You are GREAT please keep striving for the truth to the public. God Bless you and keep telling the truth in your reports!!!

  7. thank you sooo much for your report on vac adverse effects. my wife had shot almost 4 yrs. ago. three days after the shot she had a dramatic reaction she has been doctoring with numerous doctors and has had nimerous tests and they do not want to admit it ciuld be because of vac. since the vac . she has gotten pace maker and cardioligist suggested it could be G B D . have tried to reach out to you and have had no contact.we are not very computer literate so lf you like to converse with us please contact us at 906 297 8254 and ask for Jim. again thank you for your reporting.

    1. james casemier,

      Your story has been repeated ten-thousand
      times and more—COVERED-Up by a complicit,
      Medical-Mafia controlled Libertine Liberal
      M E D I A.

      For example, Glenn Beck & Boys had severely
      mocked a caller – physician – who began ex-
      plaining that the vaccine ( toxic ) schedule
      causes brain injuries—but was shut-down
      with the Boys’ JOKES about his “stupidity,”
      as even conservative media take large
      amounts of MONEY from Big Pharma.

      From my collection of articles about
      Mass Murder by Big Pharma :

      – snip –

      61)—Vaccine Schedule Increases—to Lead Drive for Increased Profits :

      – snip –


    2. james casemier,

      Your story has been repeated ten-thousand
      times and more—COVERED-Up by a complicit,
      Medical-Mafia controlled Libertine Liberal
      M E D I A.

      For example, Glenn Beck & Boys had severely
      mocked a caller – physician – who began ex-
      plaining that the vaccine ( toxic ) schedule
      causes brain injuries—but was shut-down
      with the Boys’ JOKES about his “stupidity,”
      as even conservative media take large
      amounts of MONEY from Big Pharma.

      From my collection of articles about
      Mass Murder by Big Pharma :

      – snip –

      61)—Vaccine Schedule Increases—to Lead Drive for Increased Profits :

      – snip –


  8. thank you sooo much for your report on vac adverse effects. my wife had shot almost 4 yrs. ago. three days after the shot she had a dramatic reaction she has been doctoring with numerous doctors and has had nimerous tests and they do not want to admit it ciuld be because of vac. since the vac . she has gotten pace maker and cardioligist suggested it could be G B D . have tried to reach out to you and have had no contact.we are not very computer literate so lf you like to converse with us please contact us at 906 297 8254 and ask for Jim. again thank you for your reporting.

  9. I am a 84 year old white female. Never had a heart problem until I took the Covid 19 vaccines. Now I have Afibs, and a rapid heart beat. Even my own heart specialist says there is a great possibility my heart condition was the there result of the vaccines. So, what can you do NOTHING The medication cost $1,600 per month, I have no insurance, so I had to go to Canada to be able to afford this life saving medication. There is really something wrong with the health care system in this country. When are we goin to wake up to the fact the Big Pharmacy Companies are playing with our health. And to make matters even worse now we have to live with life threating conditions we never had,. just wonderful. And no one is being held accountable for this injustice.

  10. I had to get the Moderna shot about a month after recovering from the first time I got Covid. It was like having Covid all over again, but only for about a week. Got the second shot exactly a month later, like I was supposed to, and it felt like Covid all over again, again, this time only for a few days.. About two months later, I tested positive for Covid again. Great vaccination – super effective. Granted, it was much less severe than the first time I got it (before being vaccinated) but still pretty unpleasant. This year, around June (which was a year and a half since being vaccinated) I had to go to the ER because I thought I had a blood clot in my foot (I am obviously not a doctor). Wasn’t a blood clot. Turns out I somehow, out of the blue, got Gout. I don’t know if that is common for a 45 year old, relatively active guy, who doesn’t eat that much red meat or drink that much alcohol to get. Someone told me they saw a study done which showed that new cases of Gout are up like 45% since the vaccinations were given out. I can’t seem to find anything online about it. I’m only finding information about flare-ups coming at a much higher rate after the vaccinations, not necessarily new cases.. Any idea if there is any truth to that? — not that I would be able to do anything about it. I just don’t like the idea of having to deal with some random painful foot issue for the rest of my life because I was forced to get a vaccination for Covid — not that I would be able to do anything about this part either. If you could point me in the right direction for more information, I’d appreciate it. Thanks for your time. Happy Holidays to you and yours.

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