The following is from Gallup News.
Less than one-third of Americans, 29%, have gotten the new Covid-19 vaccine that was released this fall. In contrast, 47% of U.S. adults say they have gotten the annual flu shot this year.
Another 20% of U.S. adults indicate they plan to get the new Covid-19 shot, which could bring the level of current vaccination against Covid-19 to close to half of Americans, but that still falls below the combined 63% who have gotten or plan to get the flu shot.
These results are based on Gallup’s latest Covid-19 survey update, conducted Nov. 30-Dec. 7 with more than 6,000 adult members of Gallup’s probability-based panel.
Gallup had found that over seven in 10 U.S. adults had received the earlier versions of Covid-19 vaccines, which were first available to the public in late 2020 and early 2021.
The past two years, booster shots to those initial vaccines were made available. The new shot can be given to people regardless of whether they have been previously vaccinated against Covid-19.
Older Americans, those aged 65 and older, are getting the updated Covid-19 shots at higher rates than the general population — 46% have already done so.
However, seniors are still more likely to have gotten the annual flu shot, with 68% saying they had.
This year, public health officials have also recommended that older Americans get vaccinated against respiratory syncytial virus, or RSV.
To date, 22% of U.S. seniors have gotten an RSV vaccination.
In addition to age differences, vaccine intentions for both Covid-19 and flu differ by party identification, but more so for Covid-19.
- Whereas nearly half of Democrats (48%) have gotten the updated Covid-19 shot, 20% of political independents and 10% of Republicans have.
- Eighty-two percent of Republicans say they will not get the updated Covid-19 shot.
- Sixty-one percent of Democrats, 38% of independents and 35% of Republicans have gotten the flu shot this year. Half of Republicans, 52%, say they will not do so. (Continued…)
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In this present information age, ignorance is a choice. uncomfortable truths are inconvenient and dismissed..
I, took my last vaccination I, will ever take when I was in the military.
it is hard to believe that so many still got the jabs. Seeing players drop dead in the field, hearing the enormous amount of people with sudden new or recurring cancers, all the people that got the jabs and got sick and died anyway – who believe these jabs are working, are either completely senseless or just plain stupid. It has been known for years that flu shots don’t work, and since the start that the covid jabs are dangerous!
Bill Clinton once told me that if Mother Theresa ran against Attila the Hun,,,, irrespective of party,,,that Attila the Hun. would get 30% of the vote.
Ilogically then. – independent voters are to blame for the mess.
War profiteering and Covid vaccine extortions have so many similarites.
It is apparent that the vast majority of people know little to nothing about the miracles of the human immune system. They also know nothing about supplements, herbs, or other holistic health measures for sickness prevention. What’s wrong with our education programs?…Everything.
Unfortunately the worldwide genocide has achieved its objectives, and the results cannot be undone. The losers are all those who have taken voluntarily or were forced to take the “jab” and their families and friends who are left to deal with the carnage. The winners big pharma, the medical practioners, hospitals, retail pharmacies and other dispensers of medications and the morticians. Their business development challenges are behind them with a guaranteed and potentially steadily growing supply of customers. I am surprised that the healthcare insurance companies did not push back as the evidence of the potential side-effects were understood by all who could have or tried to step up, and knew very early. but they were overwhelmed, censored and threatened to keep their mouths shut. Not only are we faced with major medical challenges but the massive opportunity provided to the Democrats to steal the election and deliver the current administration playing wrecking ball
I think the shots were very effective but maybe not effective enough for our owners.
Total PSYOPS from day one, back in mid March 2020, we never took the microchipped FAKE VAX Mark of beast 666, and by the way, there NEVER was a virus outbreak and millions never died, all fantasyland via the diabolical power of suggestion , classic PSY 101, the Nazis played that game way back in 1940, all the gullible were BRAINWASHED by FAKE TV HYPE 25 hrs a day 8 days a week
Todd and Krissy
Ohio univ Athens