(POLL) Voters: Most view southern border crisis as ‘invasion’

As Congress and President Joe Biden work to negotiate border security legislation, voters overwhelmingly view the situation at America’s southern border as an invasion. 

That’s according to Rasmussen Reports.

The survey finds 65% of likely voters say they believe the current situation with illegal immigrants at the border with Mexico is an “invasion” of the US, including 43% who say such a description is “very accurate.” 

Thirty-one percent (31%) say they disagree, including 15% who say they think it’s “not at all accurate” to call the crisis at the US Mexico border an invasion.

House Speaker Republican Mike Johnson recently led a group of Republican congress members visiting the border in Texas , pressuring President Biden and the Democrat-controlled Senate to agree to a new border security bill. 

Seventy percent (70%) of voters say they consider border security a vital national security interest for the United States these days, while 17% disagree and 13% say they are not sure.

Seventy-two percent (72%) say they believe the current situation at the U.S.-Mexico border is a crisis, while 20% don’t think so.

To see survey question wording, click here.

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4 thoughts on “(POLL) Voters: Most view southern border crisis as ‘invasion’”

  1. yes it is a invasion and i said that when it started =90 % are men of fighting age , and when trump starts to send them back as we should they will fight all of us. and that was the plan of the dnc party war on the streets of America is the only way they wont be held accountable for all they have done to America this has been there plan since 2016 look back all the pieces fit

  2. Until those not believing the immigration issue is a crisis/invasion, are affected directly; they will continue being ostriches with their eyes closed to reality.
    Parents in Brooklyn are now being affected as their children are forced out of the schools to make room for illegal immigrants to sleep in the schools after hotels and other places became full and temperatures are dropping below freezing levels. Mayor Adams was ok with the shipping of illegals to sancturary NYC until the cost reached the point that other services for citizens had to be reduced. Gov Pritzker in IL is now begging gov Abbott to relent on bussing illegals to his state, again because he must reallocate cost for services.
    As a veteran, I go on a list for preventive care services, often 3-6 months wait. Luckily I am healthy but we are now hearing that illegal immigrants are provided care at VA facilities and may be displacing veterans who need care sooner.
    Evicting homeless from shelters, forcing hotels to accept illegal immigrants at a cost to the taxpayer, and other situations that put illegal immigrants above the needs of US citizens is becoming more and more commonplace.
    That it all comes at a cost to the taxpayer should lead every citizen to be against it.
    Question is will the lights come on too late for the nation to survive?

  3. Here’s the worry…as most of these illegals are fighting age men, where will they work? Dick Durbin has already outlined a plan to meet the military’s recruiting shortage with illegals. It’s not a giant leap for states/counties/cities to then fill police shortages with illegals. So what happens when the enforcement arms of the country are filled by those with divided loyalties (carrying the flag of another nation in this country seems to me to be reason enough for immediate deportation) who have been indoctrinated to believe that white people are evil? This, along with allowing illegals to vote, is a recipe for disaster. Leaders are turning our country into a third-world country in pursuit of a globalist agenda. We have no choice but to expel them…and we have to loudly put the responsibility of what will surely be called “cruel” at the feet of Joe Biden.

  4. Call it what you want, but the fact is the sole purpose for bringing Illegal Aliens into the United States is complete the destruction of American that began in 1965.
    Based on the increasing number of Democrat voters criticizing Biden leads me to believe that the mission has been completed and no matter what happens now, it is not reversible.
    What Americans call this invasion is irrelevant, 10 million during Biden’s administration joining 40 million that have been here since the early 1990s.
    The Real Question: What are Americans willing to do about it?
    Do they have the guts to deport 10s of millions of Illegal Aliens?

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