Trump campaign statement on ‘Crooked Joe Biden’s History of Racist Remarks’

Donald Trump is one of the most important political figures of the day and, arguably, the most important Republican in national politics. But many in the media have taken the historic step of censoring him. For that reason, one of our goals is to publish information about Trump that is otherwise difficult-to-find.

Trump Campaign Statement on Crooked Joe Biden’s History of Racist Remarks
“This ad is another cheap attempt from the Biden campaign to gaslight Black voters and fails to address Biden’s terrible policies that are hurting our community. The Biden campaign is panicking because they see that Black voters aren’t buying what Biden is selling, and President Trump is receiving a record high support in the polls from Black voters that we haven’t seen in decades. We must not forget that it was Joe Biden who was a key figure in passing the 1994 Crime Bill, which disproportionately harmed Black communities through harsh sentencing laws and increased incarceration rates. Additionally, we cannot overlook that Biden’s policies are driving Black families deeper into poverty and making them less safe. Black voters, like all Americans, are worse-off now than they were under President Trump and every poll reflects that reality. The bottom line is Black voters are abandoning Biden and moving towards President Trump, and every single public measure of support indicates that.” Janiyah Thomas, Trump Campaign Black Media Director 

WATCH Crooked Joe Biden’s history of racist remarks. 

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4 thoughts on “Trump campaign statement on ‘Crooked Joe Biden’s History of Racist Remarks’”

  1. Biden has never done anything to benefit the citizens he represented. It’s one thing to harm a state but when his policies harm all 50 states thats a totally different story. I’m so glad the citizens are really paying attention to what national politics has become. Smart voters will not be pulling the lever for Biden and company this time around.
    Trump for all his combative attitude and remarks does have the USA’s best interest at heart. Unlike Biden.

  2. “The bottom line is Black voters are abandoning Biden and moving towards President Trump …”

    I agree, however I’d have written that line to say “The bottom line is Black voters are abandoning democrats and their failed policies and moving towards President Trump and other republicans and their policies that work for everyone.”

  3. ROFLMAO”trump one of the most important political figures”? who believes that nonsense? trump is a circus act that hides a school yard middle school bully. if he is not whining about someone he views as a threat or as he is told to whine about,he has zero to say. the bad public relations advertising of this grifter is sickening.

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