(POLL) Most voters think President Biden’s mental decline is real

While President Joe Biden continues to campaign for another four years in the White House, a majority of voters perceive him as losing his mental sharpness.

That’s according to Rasmussen Reports.

The survey finds that 57% of likely voters say they think that, over time, Biden is getting less and less mentally sharp. Thirty-three percent (33%) say they disagree.

These findings have not changed significantly since February

Eighty-two percent (82%) of Republicans say they think Biden is getting less and less mentally sharp over time, as do 33% of Democrats and 57% of voters not affiliated with either major party.

A majority (52%) of Democrats say they don’t believe that Biden’s mental sharpness is declining, but just 15% of Republicans and 33% of unaffiliated voters say they agree.

Eighty-six percent (86%) of Republicans, 37% of Democrats and 59% of unaffiliated voters say they consider it at least somewhat likely that the news media are helping cover up evidence of Biden’s declining mental sharpness.

Among voters who believe the president is getting less mentally sharp over time, 72% say they think it’s “very likely” the news media are covering up evidence of Biden’s decline.

To see survey question wording, click here.

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3 thoughts on “(POLL) Most voters think President Biden’s mental decline is real”

  1. At the G7 meeting besides his shuffling walk he could barely lift his sun glasses up to his eyes. It’s almost as if he’s starting with Parkinson’s.

  2. It’s obvious to many watching he is in serious mental decline. The presidential debate should prove interesting. He will most likely have to be jacked up with some type of drug, just like was done on his State of the Union speech. The problem is it definitely shows the difference between drug and no drug. Such a sad state of affairs our country is in. The world watches in disbelief.

  3. Sharyl and Full Measure Team,

    Biden’s mental decline seems to
    track the mental decline in
    America’s HOLLYWOOD-infu-
    enced / EMOTION-driven /
    LOGIC-rejecting population of
    Libertine Liberal Leftists (( those
    Limbic-Brained – Reptilian ! –
    folks in the Democrat Party )).


    An aside :

    Genius-Level analyst Helena Glass
    unravels political/cultural/financial
    complexities—to get at the FACTS /
    TRUTHS; e.g., this :

    Re :

    “To ignore this is insanity – but no one has a viable solution.
    The same government that established Social Security and
    Medicare, the same government that required every working
    American to participate, the same government that was
    tasked with investing that money simply backed it with debt.
    So no, there is no Social Security – because there is no
    money for any government program.”

    Above paragraph is found here :

    US Treasuries Backed By Nothing Is A Ponzi Scheme


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