(POLL) Voters still disapprove of Biden’s handling of China

Most voters say they view China as an enemy of the United States, and a plurality still say they rate President Joe Biden as doing a poor job dealing with the Asian superpower.

That’s according to Rasmussen Reports.

The survey found that 33% of likely U.S. voters say they give Biden a “good” or “excellent” rating for his handling of issues related to China, while 45% say they rate the president as doing a “poor” job.

These findings are nearly unchanged from November, after Biden met with Chinese President Xi Jinping.  

Last week, Biden portrayed the Chinese economy as being “on the brink,” saying: “You’ve got an economy that’s on the brink there. The idea that their economy is booming? Give me a break.” 

While 56% of Democrats say they rate Biden as doing a “good” or “excellent” job of handling China, that opinion is shared by only 11% of Republicans and 31% of voters not affiliated with either major party.

Seventy-six percent (76%) of Republicans, 18% of Democrats and 41% of unaffiliated voters say they give Biden a “poor” rating for his handling of China.

To see survey question wording, click here.

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3 thoughts on “(POLL) Voters still disapprove of Biden’s handling of China”

  1. george fate eady

    there is one fact that say china owns bide like no other since Biden and the democrat’s has not said one word about holding china accountable for the virus but they have done all they could to mislead and cover it up with million of deaths around the world YES that is how low the dnc party can go

  2. The Chinese Government (not the people who are NOT members of the Chinese Communist Party, which is the official leader of the government) are dangerous. They are duplicitous, dangerous, treacherous and evil. They also are very smart.
    They are the opposite of the “innocent babes in the woods” that President Biden implied when he declared. apropos, of trading with them, “We’ll eat their lunch!”
    For nearly half a century the Chinese stole our technology (from companies they persuaded to do business with them) and messed around with their currency (in order to achieve better trading conditions for themselves). Many are now “students” in our leading universities where they also avidly steal our technology.
    Meanwhile, China has eagerly bought up many of our lands (especially near military installations) where they spy on our military innovations.
    China also has engaged, not in free trade or even fair trade but in a type of mercantile trade where it was their way (in trade) or the highway. Since China has a big market, there is more potential customers; thus, many of our leading industries competed with each other to set-up-shops in China.
    President Trump was the first to recognize-in 8 American administrations-China’s unfair trade practices. He would have recognized their militarization and the China bellicosity also. However, unfortunately, he wasn’t re-elected. Biden was. Biden worked hard at not recognizing China’s obvious pugnacity, in the same he has recognized Iran’s “peaceful intentions” and Hamas’ sweet disposition.
    if Mike Pompeo-a great Secretary of State under Trump- had continued to be Secretary of State he would have seen the bellicosity of China for what it was. Anthony Bliken, in my opinion, reminds me of those in France who surrendered and were voluntarily swayed by the Nazi’s.
    The only way Blinken could lead is if he could ask Biden first what he, Blinken, should think.
    Biden has done a terrible job at seeing China for what he is. He is the Neville Chamberlain (the great British appeaser of Hitler aggression that led to WWII) of America.
    I think if Biden is re-elected America is lost. He’d mess up more than he already has: Our borders, our economy, our streets (which are ridden with hate-ridden crimes), our legal system, our faiths. Not doing anything about these will destroy America from the inside-out.
    China will most likely will destroy America from the outside-in.

  3. Dear Bryan Taplits,

    Re : What is missing
    from your EXCELLENT

    What is missing, is the ( secret ) role/machination
    of ISRAEL—handing U.S.-generated military Tech.
    to China, which, then, hands that Tech. to North
    Korea, which openly threatens America with nuclear
    annilation. White American men acting
    treasonously ! – men known as “Vulture Capitalists” –
    building China’s domestic infrastructure and military,
    using Once-American-Made/-Based industries, not-
    withstanding / considered (( beginning in ‘93, using
    China’s admission to the West’s MOST-Favored-Trading
    status )).



    Your post deserves re-
    posting – more clearly
    presented – as it is so
    very much truth-telling
    F A C T U A L I S M :

    *The Chinese Government (not the people who are NOT members of the Chinese Communist Party, which is the official leader of the government) are dangerous. They are duplicitous, dangerous, treacherous and evil. They also are very smart.

    *They are the opposite of the “innocent babes in the woods” that President Biden implied when he declared. apropos, of trading with them, “We’ll eat their lunch!”

    *For nearly half a century the Chinese stole our technology (from companies they persuaded to do business with them) and messed around with their currency (in order to achieve better trading conditions for themselves). Many are now “students” in our leading universities where they also avidly steal our technology.

    *Meanwhile, China has eagerly bought up many of our lands (especially near military installations) where they spy on our military innovations.

    *China also has engaged, not in free trade or even fair trade but in a type of mercantile trade where it was their way (in trade) or the highway. Since China has a big market, there is more potential customers; thus, many of our leading industries competed with each other to set-up-shops in China.

    *President Trump was the first to recognize-in 8 American administrations-China’s unfair trade practices. He would have recognized their militarization and the China bellicosity also. However, unfortunately, he wasn’t re-elected. Biden was. Biden worked hard at not recognizing China’s obvious pugnacity, in the same he has recognized Iran’s “peaceful intentions” and Hamas’ sweet disposition.

    *[If] Mike Pompeo-a great Secretary of State under Trump- had continued to be Secretary of State he would have seen the bellicosity of China for what it was. Anthony Bliken, in my opinion, reminds me of those in France who surrendered and were voluntarily swayed by the Nazi’s.

    *The only way Blinken could lead is if he could ask Biden first what he, Blinken, should think.
    Biden has done a terrible job at seeing China for what he is. He is the Neville Chamberlain (the great British appeaser of Hitler aggression that led to WWII) of America.

    *I think if Biden is re-elected America is lost. He’d mess up more than he already has: Our borders, our economy, our streets (which are ridden with hate-ridden crimes), our legal system, our faiths. Not doing anything about these will destroy America from the inside-out.
    China will most likely will destroy America from the outside-in.

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