Military Injustice? Maj. Weirick’s Incredible Ride in the Taliban Urination Video Case

[This article was first published on July 7, 2014]

Most Americans have no idea what ever became of the shocking case of U.S. Marines urinating on Taliban terrorist corpses after a firefight. The incident was captured on video and posted on YouTube. In a story that some didn’t want told, we explain what became of the case: it collapsed under allegations of unlawful command influence against the head of the Marine Corps: Gen. James Amos. In an exclusive interview with me for, Maj. James Weirick, a Judge Advocate, explains what he did when he felt an injustice was occurring against the accused Marines. And he tells what happened to him when he blew the whistle.

What Ever Happened to the Marines Urinating on the Taliban Video Case? You’ll Be Surprised. An Exclusive Report.

Commissions Staff18Feb2011_027#4824
Maj. James Weirick (standing) prosecuting a terrorism case at Guantanamo, Feb. 2011. Photo courtesy of Maj. Weirick

What ever happened to the accused Marines? Read here.

Sgt. Rob Richards, one of the accused, is pictured below after an injury on a previous deployment and, later,with his discharge papers,  after he was accused in the urination video case.

Sgt. Rob Richards shown after a combat injury in Afghanistan prior to the urination video. Photo courtesy of Richards family
Sgt. Rob Richards shown after a combat injury in Afghanistan prior to the urination video. Photo courtesy of Richards family
Sgt. Rob Richards holds his discharge papers after the urination video case. Photo: courtesy of Richards family
Sgt. Rob Richards holds his discharge papers after the urination video case.
Photo: courtesy of Richards family

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