How pro-Clinton Center for American Progress attempts to discredit reporting of journalists who damage the preferred narrative

This Wikileaks email shows how John Podesta’s pro-Clinton Center for American Progress (CAP) rolls in alleged attempts to discredit the reporting of journalists who prove damaging to the preferredĀ narrative: in this case, Jake Tapper (then of ABC). Clinton campaign spokesman Jennifer Palmieri also came from the George Soros-funded CAP. And both Podesta and Palmieri worked for the Obama administration. You can decide for yourself.

Read the email

Read the CAP’s “Think Progress” article

More on this theme in my new book, “The Smear” available for pre-order now.

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2 thoughts on “How pro-Clinton Center for American Progress attempts to discredit reporting of journalists who damage the preferred narrative”

  1. I look forward to your book.These emails show as much contempt for the important function of an balanced press as the content within. If Hillary wins this election it seems they don’t care they will not be believed by a large majority of citizens. This can be very dangerous in time of conflict for instance.

    This is probably the saddest thing of this Obama presidency. They just don’t care if you know the system is rigged and proven so.

  2. Anthony Dal Porto


    Thank you for identifying and reporting on this email thread. I remember that Lauria interview very well and made point of copying the audio off the web for posterity: (just in case someone might choose to scrub it…).

    In fact, I was able to locate it on youtube:

    I think it would be of benefit if you linked it to this Wikileak post to give your audience deeper perspective as to the absolute disregard Obama regime had/has toward contract law in particular – and Constitution in general.

    Fight On!


    With reference to the Tom Lauria interview. I found it

    and ripped

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