The facts about illegal immigrant crime

Above image: part of the border fence along the U.S. Mexico border

As President Trump and Congress debate “the wall,” what are the true stats when it comes to serious crimes, such as rape and murder, committed by illegal immigrants? Sunday on Full Measure, we investigate and bring you the facts without the hyperbole.

We’ll also dig into the strange undercounting and underreporting of deaths in Puerto Rico after its devastating hurricane.

And where can you find news that’s censored most everywhere else? Project Censored, of course! Find out more on Full Measure.

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Sharyl Attkisson is host of “Full Measure”
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3 thoughts on “The facts about illegal immigrant crime”

  1. Please write a book on illegal alien crime, and how FBI reports crime by race. Example, they lump white and Hispanic perpetrators together, but they report separately the stats for white and Hispanic victims. Why? Also, the cost of social programs for illegal aliens.

  2. What do you or anyone else think would happen if we just marched the illegal crossing perpetrators right up to those people houses that want open borders so badly . and just tell them to go right in and make your self at home and if you need anything like food /medicine /and cash just ask the homeowner and he or she will oblige you after all thats what our elected officials are doing to us . I am confident that the first course of action that they would take is to call those pesky cops to have them thrown behind a “wall” of bars .but wait a minute that would be racist in their book wouldn’t it?

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