Photo By: Airman 1st Class Andrea Williams
Nineteen percent (19%) of those surveyed in the latest unscientific poll at SharylAttkisson.com say they think they have had Covid-19, although they have not been tested for it.
Fifty-eight percent (58%) do not think they have had Covid-19.
About 1% of those surveyed say they have had Covid-19 confirmed by a test.
Another 1% say they have been diagnosed with Covid-19 but not tested.
Twenty percent (20%) say they have no idea.
Have you had Covid-19?
1% Yes, confirmed with test
1% Yes, diagnosed but not tested
19% I think so (just a hunch)
58% I don’t think so
1% No, tested negative
10% I have no idea
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I’ve sent similar info to fox and friends for Dr Oz. I was on the Volendam 77 day So Am cruise including the Amazon. Many on board took several medications including the malaria medicine in the news, as the cruise included stops on n the Amazon. We disembarked 2 days early on 3/20 and I later learned that a tour guide on several of our Brazil tours was diagnosed w/the virus on 3/12. I was with him on 2/26, 3/3 and 3/8. I had a bad bout with vomiting and diarrhea on 3/5, resulting in my canceling a tour. I had only heard of fever and a dry cough as symptoms of the virus, (No virus
cases were reported on board). So. I think so – just a hunch