Eric Lundgren pioneered recycling toxic electronic waste-: used solar panels, electric car batteries, other “e-waste” dangerously filling landfills in the US and around the world that is poisoning the water and leeching into the environment.
His recycling plans included helping people reuse refurbished Microsoft computers instead of throwing them away.
Microsoft didn’t like what he was doing and long story short, convinced prosecutors to raid Lundgren’s home and charge him with various crimes including copyright violation. Believe it or not, he went to prison for it, we told his story two years ago.
Well, he vowed to double down while in prison– and he did. He started a new recycling business. He’s out of prison now and I recently caught up with him again in California to see the amazing things he’s done since Microsoft tried to take him down.
Also, Scott Thuman reports from Georgia as unheard of amounts of money pour in ahead of two senate runoff races.
Most of the money is coming from interests outside the Peach State. The stakes are high: control of Congress. Scott will Follow the Money.
I’ll also update my reporting on the movement to establish “Second Amendment Sanctuary Cities.”
GA is a mess! The RINOs are in full control and the voters are mad as hell!
What has happened to our nation that there is no justice for election fraud? That no one is even willing to investigate? That the judiciary is unwilling to even hear the evidence!
Sharyl…I just finished Slanted..Loved it….I have been following you since your days at CNN. It is great to know there is still a true honest journalist amongst the circus of activist masquerading as journalist. Thank you for your good work..Regards, Richard
Thank you so much!! I appreciate it.
I wonder if our government knows how angry conservatives are about the election, threats and unbridled insults from the democrat army. Nobody seems concerned that we’re on the brink of colossal noncompliance. Democrats believe conservatives will simply obey. But most of my friends now hate and fear the government and they’ve become short tempered.
The astonishing number of newly armed citizens was the result of a buying frenzy this year and it was triggered by democrat rhetoric. At some point, government enforcers can be expected to cross swords with noncompliant citizens and we could see another famous “shot” published around the world. To make things worse, our new leader is an incompetent errand boy afflicted with dementia.
How can I support Eric Lundgren’s recycling efforts?
Sharyl, if you are updating your reporting on the Second Amendment Sanctuary Movement, you might be interested to know that more than one third of the counties in the United States are now Second Amendment Sanctuaries. I have been tracking this movement nationally on my website for about a year now. Here is my article announcing the 1/3 landmark:
Here is my latest national map update: https://sanctuarycounties.com/2020/08/16/new-second-amendment-sanctuary-counties-map-for-august-16-2020/?amp
Please let me know if you have any questions. This movement is bigger than most people think