As of July 19, 2021 there were 419,513 adverse event reports associated with Covid-19 vaccination in the U.S., with a total of 1,814,326 symptoms reported. That’s according to the federal Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) database.
Report an adverse event after vaccination online here.
Each symptom reported does not necessarily equal one patient. Adverse event reports often include multiple symptoms for a single patient.
Reporting of illnesses and symptoms that occur after Covid-19 vaccination does not necessarily mean they were caused by the vaccine. The system is designed to collect adverse events that occur after vaccination to uncover any patterns of illnesses that were not captured during vaccine studies.
Read CDC info on Covid-19 vaccine here.
Scientists have estimated that adverse events occur at a rate many fold higher than what is reported in VAERS, since it is assumed that most adverse events are not reported through the tracking system. Reports can be made by doctors, patients or family members and/or acquaintances, or vaccine industry representatives.
Read: Exclusive summary: Covid-19 vaccine concerns.
Some observers claim Covid-19 vaccine adverse events are not as likely to be underreported as those associated with other medicine, due to close monitoring and widespread publicity surrounding Covid-19 vaccination.
Approximately 340 million doses of Covid-19 vaccine have been given in the U.S. Slightly less than half of the U.S. population is fully vaccinated.
According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the benefits of Covid-19 vaccine outweigh the risks for all groups and age categories authorized to receive it.
The following is a summary of some of the most frequent adverse events reported to VAERS after Covid-19 vaccination. (It is not the entire list.)
Most common Covid-19 vaccine adverse events reported as of July 19, 2021
Yellow highlighted adverse events are subjects of investigations, warnings or stated concerns by public health officials. For details, click here.
128,370 Muscle, bone, joint pain and swelling including:
- 39,902 Pain in extremity
- 37,819 Myalgia, muscle pain, weakness, fatigue, spasms, disorders, related
- 30,138 Arthralgia, joint pain or arthritis, swelling, joint disease, bone pain, spinal osteoarthritis
- 14,682 Back pain, neck pain
- 5,829 Muscle and skeletal pain, stiffness, weakness
119,866 Injection site pain, bleeding, hardening, bruising, etc.
105,332 Skin reddening, at injection site or elsewhere, rash, hives
100,564 Fatigue, lethargy, malaise, asthenia, abnormal weakness, loss of energy
89,302 Headache, incl. migraine, sinus

68,252 Vomiting, nausea
68,064 Fever
63,133 Chills
60,913 Pain
49,574 Dizziness
34,076 Flushing, hot flush, feeling hot, abnormally warm skin
31,785 Lung pain or abnormalities, fluid in lung, respiratory tract or lung congestion or infection, wheezing, acute respiratory failure including:
- 23,005 Dyspnoea, difficulty breathing
- 1,398 Pneumonia
- 1,128 Respiratory arrest, failure, stopped or inefficient breathing, abnormal breathing
- 563 Covid-19 pneumonia
- 265 Mechanical ventilation
- 217 Bronchitis
30,909 Skin swelling, pain, tightness, face swelling, swelling under skin, hives, angioedema including:
- 7,579 Skin pain, sensitivity, burning, discoloration, tenderness
25,319 Heart failure, heart rhythm and rate abnormalities, atrial fibrillation, palpitations, flutter, murmur, pacemaker added, fluid in heart, abnormal echocardiogram including:
- 3,105 Heart attack or cardiac arrest, sudden loss of blood flow from failure to pump to heart effectively, cardiac failure, disorder
22,085 Itchiness
29,861 Sensory disturbance including:
- 8,236 Tinnitus, hearing noise
- 7,951 Abnormal vision, blindness
- 6,349 Ageusia, loss of taste, altered taste, disorders
- 2,249 Anosmia, loss of smell, parosmia (rotten smell)
- 2,075 Hypersensitivity
- 1,560 Sensitivity or reaction to light
- 890 Hearing loss, deafness

20,403 Chest pain, discomfort
20,023 Fainting, feeling faint, total loss of consciousness
- The Clot Factor: A Full Measure Town Hall
- The Clot Factor
- The Microvascular Research Foundation
- Long Vax, Long Covid Resources
- Covid-19 Natural Immunity: The Definitive Summary
- Covid-19 Vaccine: 80 of the Most Common Adverse Events
- Covid-19 Vaccine Concerns Summary
- Covid-19 Vaccine Analysis: Common Adverse Events
- Covid-19 Origins: Separating Rumor from Fact (WATCH)
- Report a Possible Vaccine Adverse Event
19,868 Paraesthesia, nerve tingling, prickling, incl. oral
15,671 Inflamed, abnormal, painful lymph nodes
15,552 Hyperhidrosis, increased sweating
15,536 Covid-19 or SARS-COV2 positive test
14,414 Lip, mouth, tongue, pharyngeal swelling, ulcer, oral or pain, inflammation, burning, itching
14,089 Diarrhea
13,909 Pain or sense of foreign body, irritation in throat, dysphagia, discomfort or difficulty swallowing
13,526 Sleep problems, disorders, sleep paralysis
12,850 Loss of feeling in part of body
12,624 Abdominal pain, discomfort, upper or lower
12,360 Feeling abnormal
10,744 Cough, cough syndrome
10,042 Confusional state, disorientation, memory impairment, fatigue, amnesia, memory loss, disorder
8,943 Tremor
8,055 Nasal or sinus congestion, pain, dysfunction, sinusitis, inflammation
7,908 Blood pressure changes or problems
7,743 Nervousness, panic attack or disorder, anxiety
7,131 Decreased appetite
7,115 Heavy menstrual or uterine bleeding, bleeding between periods, disorder, vaginal hemorrhage, halt in period, short period
7,181 Eye pain, swelling, itch, discomfort, redness, periorbital swelling
6,524 Loss of personal independence or impaired work ability
6,324 Thrombosis, blood clot including:
2,306 Pulmonary embolism, thrombosis, lung blood clot
6,174 Flu or flu-like illness
6,118 “Condition aggravated”
5,770 Paralysis including:
- 4,154 Bell’s Palsy, facial
- 685 Paralysis on one side of body
- 425 Paralysis, not specified, or other
- 383 Guillain-Barre syndrome autoimmune paralysis
- 123 Transverse myelitis, inflammation of spinal cord causing paralysis

5,689 Product administered to person of inappropriate age
5,589 Decreased mobility
5,081 Herpes
5,039 Gait abnormal
4,672 Ear pain, discomfort, infection
4,434 Death
4,335 Fall
4,092 Unhealthy, pale appearance
4,017 Burning sensation
3,962 Immediate post-injection reaction
3,961 High blood pressure
3,464 Cerebral hemorrhage, stroke, brain bleeding, related

3,371 Axillary pain, pain in axillary artery (armpit)
3,199 Encephalopathy, brain damage, incl. seizures
3,002 Limb discomfort, injury, related
2,986 Cold sweat
2,683 Bleeding, various, incl. nose
2,585 Hypotension, low blood pressure
2,352 Discomfort
2,320 Contusion, bruise
2,277 Thrombocytopenia, low blood platelet count or decreased platelet count or red blood cell count or red blood cell deficit (anemia)

2,214 Balance disorder
2,105 Facial weakness, twitching
1,824 Frequent urination, urinary incontinence, retention, infection
1,799 Night sweats
1,749 Head discomfort
1,749 Inflammation
1,668 Anaphylactic/anaphylactoid systemic, immediate reactions, possibly life-threatening
1,578 Breast pain, swelling, tenderness
1,502 Abnormal muscle tone
1,367 Painful jaw inflammation, disorder of jaw, nerves, jaw pain
1,352 Blister
1,347 Kidney failure, pain, impairment, acute injury
1,300 Head injury
1,904 Myocarditis, inflammation of heart muscle; or pericarditis, inflammation of heart membrane
1,167 Hoarse
1,156 Peripheral coldness
1,139 Cellulitis, infection of inner layers of skin
1,097 Aphasia, loss of ability to understand speech, caused by brain damage
967 C-reactive protein increased, in response to inflammation
958 Speech disorder
946 Thirst

844 Restlessness, restless leg syndrome
726 Appendectomy, appendicitis
648 Hypoxia, deprivation of oxygen
631 Hallucination
610 Spontaneous abortion
587 Neuropathy, peripheral nerve disease
565 Toothache
515 Sepsis, septic shock, immune system breakdown, possibly leading to death
398 Hypokinesia, muted body movements
393 Alopecia, hair loss
313 Electric shock sensation
299 Blepharospasm, spasm causing tight closure of eyelids
285 Autoimmune disorders
244 Coughing up blood
207 Asymptomatic Covid
168 Blood transfusion
147 Multiple Sclerosis, incl. relapse
124 Rhabdomyolysis, muscle damage that can cause kidney failure
I’ve had neuropathy since getting it. Been to several doctors trying to figure it out. I’m disabled so this has really been painful and disconcerting.
report it. online link is in article. I hope you feel better.
Dear Sharyl,
Thank you for posting some of the side effects of the pfizer vaccine. At one time, I had the full list, that Pfizer was forced to reveal to the public, but can not find it anymore in my files. Can you please direct me to where the entire list, that pfizer was forced to release is?
Note: it appears that the same things that treat and mitigate Covid-19 also treat and mitigate the injuries of the Covid-19 injections.
Ivermectin Benefits and Natural Alternatives (very comprehensive)
Common dandelion
(Taraxacum officinale) efficiently blocks the interaction between ACE2 cell surface receptor and SARS-CoV-2 spike protein D614, mutants D614G, N501Y, K417N and E484K in vitro
Available on Amazon
Is Pineapple Enzyme Bromelain a Remedy for COVID-19 Vaccine Injuries?
“After taking this for just over a month she is now to my surprise no longer magnetic as I retested her!”
An Australian Scientist had discovered how to destroy the “natural” covid-19 protein spike using pineapple enzyme (Bromelain), I wondered if it would help a double “Vaccinated” person – vaccinated is in inverted commas because legally these jabs do not meet the definition of a vaccine.
I know an elderly person who is a close friend of mine who ended up Magnetic after these shots. I talked her into taking the Pineapple enzyme as I had seen what the Australian Scientist claimed to have discovered and thought logically it may work with the “Vaccine” as the spike protein was programmed to use our bodies to produce the spike protein to help produce a response via our immune system.
It can be removed, that’s why they want the boosters etc.
Available on Amazon, pine needle tea
Pine needle benefits
Wild food foraging pine needle tea
To combat the vax
From Dr. Vladimir Zelenko
Pine needle tea 4-6x daily (has suramin) available on Amazon
Star Anise
Vitamin D
Vitamin E
Vitamin K
Organic Chaga mushroom powder, (1 T daily)
Pycnogenol (Per Dr. Sheri Tenpenny)
Glutathione and Immunol
This last one, maybe the simplest and most powerful antidote. It would not be done in conjunction with the other things. You would read the directions and follow them very carefully.
The Universal Antidote
Chlorine Dioxide
Thank you for listing this information. I was searching for information on natural medicine to counter the affects of the vax. I watched RedPill78 show published on October 10, 2021, titled, “The Zelenko Protocol with Dr. Zev Zelenko on Sat. Night Livestream.”
I was specifically looking for Pycnogenol for my dear, brainwashed, little brother that took the vax.
The CDC has been removing many reports of deaths and adverse reactions to COVID-19 “vaccines.”
Report at
I have neuropathy in my feet, not from diabetes or the vaccine. If you’re having occasional neuropathy pains, try taking Alpha Lipoic Acid. I’ve been taking it for at least two or three years, and it has stopped my neuropathy pains considerably. The only time I have them is if I get off of my daily regiment schedule.
I have the same issue. But what can we do about it?
Perhaps vitamin B12 shots may reverse it. Take weekly for a month then bi-weekly for 2 months
Which shot did you get?
My husband has a lot of those symptoms, Doctors keep telling me they don’t know what is causing his problems. They aren’t even treating him for anything. He just keep getting worse. I hope they can help us.
Report it. the online link is in the article. I hope he feels better and gets help.
Visit this is a group of doctors that have treatments for post vaccination problems. Good luck!
I am scared to death that my 5 year old autistic grandson will have to have this “vaccine”.. I belive he became autistic after multiple vaccines at once were given to him. Way too much Mercury and he was a baby. We got the vaccine only. so we could travel, and go wherever we want. Right now you cannot see a loved one in the hospital without showing proof of vaccination. I know they are going to mandate the booster. We don’t want it!!!
You can add one person to the list — me.
I didn’t take the vaccine, but do not fell well after reading your long list !
“Scientists have estimated that adverse events occur at a rate many fold higher than what is reported in VAERS”
That statement is too weak.
There have been studies of VAERS in the past.
The most favorable study claimed 90% of adverse reactions are not reported.
The least favorable study said 98% to 99% are not reported.
Last week only +265 deaths were reported, and added to the total.
That was a huge reduction from just over +2000 in both prior weeks.
I find +265 hard to believe.
Because the number of new adverse reactions reported last week was high.
But the percentage of those new reports that were deaths were very low.
I do not believe the deaths number from last week
(data for the week ending July 16, 2021).
The VAERS numbers are obviously making the COVID vaccines vaccines look risky
(they do have an unprecedented percentage of adverse effects, for any vaccine in history)
The government has been tryng to discredit the VAERS numbers.
The next step is to “fix” the VAERS numbers, to show fewer deaths.
Based on my experience with government bureaucrats “fixing” global average temperature data, over the past 24 years that I’ve studied climate science, I am very confident the VAERS numbers are now being “fixed” (with arbitrary “adjustments” to show fewer deaths.
And even with those “adjustments”., the number of deaths is high.
The secret is most likely found in CDC “unclassified deaths” data.
It is always possible that I am wrong,
but that is never at the top of my list of possibilities.
This article claims 419,000 total people reported adverse effects.
Two sources that I use for VAERS data claim the correct number is 491,000,
as of Saturday’s data release.
That’s a HUUUUGGGGGEEEE (pronounce like Bernie Sanders) difference.
Here is one of my sources:
Read the article in the link below and you might begin to understand the doubt. The following is the abstract from the same article.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on August 23, 2020, “For 6% of the deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned. For deaths with conditions or causes in addition to COVID-19 , on average, there were 2.6 additional conditions or causes per death.”[1] For a nation tormented by restrictive public health policies mandated for healthy individuals and small businesses, this is the most important statistical revelation of this crisis. This revelation significantly impacts the published fatalities count due to COVID-19.
More importantly, it exposes major problems with the process by which the CDC was able to generate inaccurate data during a crisis. The CDC has advocated for social isolation, social distancing, and personal protective equipment use as primary mitigation strategies in response to the COVID-19 crisis, while simultaneously refusing to acknowledge the promise of inexpensive pharmaceutical and natural treatments. These mitigation strategies were promoted largely in response to projection model fatality forecasts that have proven to be substantially inaccurate. Further investigation into the legality of the methods used to create these strategies raised additional concerns and questions. Why would the CDC decide against using a system of data collection & reporting they authored, and which has been in use nationwide for 17 years without incident, in favor of an untested & unproven system
exclusively for COVID-19 without discussion and peer-review? Did the CDC’s decision to abandon a known and proven effective system also breach several federal laws that ensure data accuracy and integrity? Did the CDC knowingly alter rules for reporting cause of death in the presence of comorbidity exclusively for COVID-19? If so, why? This historical retrospective will provide a timeline summary of events to help the reader orient themselves to many aspects of the crisis
previously unknown and will discuss the significance of the March 24, 2020 COVID-
19 Alert No. 2 that had a dramatic impact upon cause of death reporting numbers.
Supportive data comparisons suggest the existing COVID-19 fatality data, which has
been so influential upon public policy, may be substantially compromised regarding accuracy and integrity, and illegal under existing federal laws. If the fatality data being presented by the CDC is illegally inflated, then all public health policies based upon them would be immediately null and void.
Some of the rat studies done were not some thoroughly enough and that is why they were bambozzled when nurses were found to have floating lipid particles that were attacking their ovarian areas.
Maybe “Dominion” of election fame is running VAERS?
Excellent post
Great information. I have a friend who also lost his hearing after receiving the vaccine.
I have a elderly friend who lost sight in one eye
I suffered a sudden and total hearing loss in my left ear 6 weeks after the Pfizer booster.
Can you seriously trust their statistics ? The CDC works for big pharma. Thus VAERS is a joke. It merely reports 1% (Harvard Study) of what is really happening. 99% of the cases are not even reported. USA is truly like a third world banana republic dictatorship. Take the numbers and multiply by 100. You should that by now. I would be very happy if a huge asteroid hit the CDC and FDA headquarters. These people are truly criminals against humanity. The number of dead people for a vaccine is equivalent as of this month to the number of deaths by vaccines of the last cumulative 30 years !!!!!! What is wrong with you Americans ? Are you that stupid ? It seems so. As for the rest of the world still following these totally corrupt, evil and criminal agencies, they should stop listening to anything coming out USA when it comes to vaccines and drugs !!!!!
Sharyl, you are running right up to the misinformation line and trying to avoid stepping over that line. VAERS data is analogous to a bulletin board in the hospital hallway where anybody can post anything related to their experience at the hospital. They can post once. They can post 5 times. They can get their friends to post. They can tell their friends not to post.
Nevertheless, it is a useful tool for the CDC to identify patterns in adverse events.
However, it is not meant to be aggregated and reported as if it has any level of accuracy, because it doesn’t. I recognize you included several caveats up front about the data, but then you provided no context. I follow you because I expect a higher level of reporting.
You are partly correct. More often scientists say VAERS is a vast, vast underreporting of illnesses (as much as 100,000x lower than actual occurrence, say some studies), so the repeat information is not usually the issue. Still, you are incorrect that there’s nothing to be learned by aggregating. Doing so is how I ended up breaking the international news that Vigara causes blindness. It was obvious in the reporting, shocking that the FDA didn’t acknowledge it sooner, and eventually warnings went on the label.
The statistics are great BUT, a critical factor is how many vaccines were administered and what is the percentage of adverse effects out of the total.
Even a small percentage of occurrences in regards to the serious adverse reactions that are being investigated by health agencies (the highlighted ones) is too many when it’s a vaccine for a virus that has a 99.5% survival rate for the elderly and most at risk group of the population and a much higher survival rate in the lower risk groups. The risks of taking the vaccine don’t outweigh the benefit for most people and especially not for young adults and children.
I totally agree with you
If the CDC only provides raw data (purposely) how is aggregating it as Sharyl and open vaers have flawed? You’re basically suggesting transparency is a negative.
CDC is covering their tracks by not parsing out the info with reference. Nowhere do they imply that two studies (one from Harvard), suggest adverse events are underreported by many orders of magnitude.
The government is playing with the data and literally is making it up as they go along.
With all the politicization of COVID by every side, but mostly from the left, it stands to reason they would have no compunctions about politicizing the vaccine, its efficacy, or possible adverse side effects.
So much information put out at the onset by the so-called “experts” that has since been reversed one eighty by those same experts [“…this is a novel (new) coronavirus, so we’re still learning about it…”], couldn’t the same thing happen concerning the hurriedly developed and not fully tested vaccine (a “novel” vaccine, if you will, in the way it was developed, far different than the way all previous flu vaccines were developed, w/e of the J&J vaccine)? Think about it.
You did not comment on the serious adverse reaction of “death”. Over 11k deaths reported.
The problem for me is not the vaccine, it’s the lying about the effectiveness of hydroxychloriquin
and the ivermectin to fight the viruses from those same “experts” who have pushed everybody to get the RNA vaccines, which were more uncertain in their effects on some folks than the former substances, one of which has had FDA clearance for other disease treatment! The “experts” told us to go home and wait until you feel REALLY sick, then rush to the hospital and maybe they’ll save you. The docs who got tired of watching people die did their due diligence and started giving the hydroxy very early, before the virus had built up a big load in the lungs of their patients and were reporting good success with treatment as soon as 2 days! I had the Covid, got a “negative” on the first test, then a “positive” later that same day at the hospital, and nurses told me it takes a few days to build up a virus load heavy enough to test. I’ve wondered why going home and getting sicker was supposed to be the “good” option…..
Its called medical male practice and 100% against bioethics and medical standards for almost forever. I believe the ACA regulations forcing independent MDs out of private practice to form or join large med groups are the big problem. Now administrators and group think control treatments vs. the actual practice of medicine and saving lives. Its all about lawyers and liability and being afraid to challenge the status quo
So true health care is not about healing people anymore. It’s about money!!!!!!
People always talk about medical male practice, but what about medical FEMALE practice????
Yes, well stated! It is wrong to withhold early or interventional treatment and send people home to get worse and need hospitalization.
The virus/vaccine… two punch. Who can make war with the beast?
Slumbering masses lead to slaughter, like so many docile sheep.
It may be now or never, a rebellion of the least. We know now it is time, our time,
to make war with the beast.
More than 160 million Americans have received Covid vaccinations and they’re perfectly fine. Never has so much been made about so little.
Perfectly fine unless you are one of the tens of thousands who have died or suffered from serious side effects. Read the article in the link below and you might begin to understand the doubt. The following is the abstract from the same article.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on August 23, 2020, “For 6% of the deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned. For deaths with conditions or causes in addition to COVID-19 , on average, there were 2.6 additional conditions or causes per death.”[1] For a nation tormented by restrictive public health policies mandated for healthy individuals and small businesses, this is the most important statistical revelation of this crisis. This revelation significantly impacts the published fatalities count due to COVID-19.
More importantly, it exposes major problems with the process by which the CDC was able to generate inaccurate data during a crisis. The CDC has advocated for social isolation, social distancing, and personal protective equipment use as primary mitigation strategies in response to the COVID-19 crisis, while simultaneously refusing to acknowledge the promise of inexpensive pharmaceutical and natural treatments. These mitigation strategies were promoted largely in response to projection model fatality forecasts that have proven to be substantially inaccurate. Further investigation into the legality of the methods used to create these strategies raised additional concerns and questions. Why would the CDC decide against using a system of data collection & reporting they authored, and which has been in use nationwide for 17 years without incident, in favor of an untested & unproven system
exclusively for COVID-19 without discussion and peer-review? Did the CDC’s decision to abandon a known and proven effective system also breach several federal laws that ensure data accuracy and integrity? Did the CDC knowingly alter rules for reporting cause of death in the presence of comorbidity exclusively for COVID-19? If so, why? This historical retrospective will provide a timeline summary of events to help the reader orient themselves to many aspects of the crisis
previously unknown and will discuss the significance of the March 24, 2020 COVID-
19 Alert No. 2 that had a dramatic impact upon cause of death reporting numbers.
Supportive data comparisons suggest the existing COVID-19 fatality data, which has
been so influential upon public policy, may be substantially compromised regarding accuracy and integrity, and illegal under existing federal laws. If the fatality data being presented by the CDC is illegally inflated, then all public health policies based upon them would be immediately null and void.
What about the hundreds of thousands that have died from Covid? Why aren’t we talking about that?
Well all the people that are fine that’s great for them but as for myself it has been hell and getting worse everyday. I have had alot.of back surgeries but these hands and knees in pain is a whole new thing but yet one maybe answer was reactive arthritis due to vaccine by a rheumatologist seeing how my rf factor is elevated but the other labs are not. I am furious , depressed and in pain all the time and I was a very active person . That poison is slowly killing alot of people and they will never be held accountable for this trash!
One glaring problem with this statement is that we don’t know if they are “perfectly fine” because there have been absolutely zero long term studies done on this vaccine.
Yes, all these adverse reactions, deaths, blindness, tremors, heart failure, bleeding out is all a fantasy. I’m actually super impressed with the people who are able to fake their own deaths – that is amazing. I mean, even going so far as to let themselves be buried and all just to try to make such a big deal about a perfectly safe vaccine.
The dead people’s fakery will be exposed when they vote in the next election.
You must be kidding. That is ridiculous- fake burials?
That is a foolish statement del, not based on facts and data.
As of July 23, 2021 there 11,940 COVID vaccine deaths reported, within 618,648 adverse effects reported by 518,770 people — unprecedented in US vaccine history.
YOU may not care that some stranger, in good enough health to walk to a COVID vaccine location, and get a shot, suddenly died within a few days. But they do have families who care.
I repeat: This quantity of reported adverse side effects is UNPRECEDENTED in US vaccine history.
The most favorable study claims VAERS includes only 10% of all adverse reactions.
The least favorable study says only 1%
These adverse reactions / deaths are even higher in the EU,
The medium and long term adverse effects of the vaccines remain unknown — those side effects can take years to discover. The effects on pregnant women and children is unknown — none were included in the trials prior to emergency use approval..
The length of time the vaccine-induced antibodies last is unknown, but studies in Israel are suggesting they are short term, not long term. Israel is beginning to recommend a booster shot after only six months !
Since viruses n mutate, you can count on pressure to take one (or two) booster shots at least every year. So it will be possible to have taken many injections, over several years, before adverse long term side effects are discovered.
A typical vaccine takes 10 to 15 years to reach FDA approval.
There is animal testing (not done with COVIID vaccines)
And long term observations for human side effects (not done with COVID vaccines)
Israel is reporting only 39% effectiveness of the COVID vaccine with the latest COVID Delta variant, which spreads easily but is not very deadly, fortunately.
Sad but realistic summary.
My frustration is that when you plan to do an Emengecy Use Authorization and mass experimentation on a human population, you need to institute robust tracking. The VEARS system or other, should have required 100% follow up on every vaccinated individual. Then we would have little question about the percentage of reactions vs the population. Early on, Fauci complained about this denominator problem in the infection rate and now we have the same problem in the vaccinated data.
These are supposed to be the leaders of their profession. Covid has exposed the lack of leadership across all government institutions, That is likely the only lesson we have learned in the past 18 months. At least I hope enough people have learned it.
If you want the truth:
Excellent…please share!
I agree TOTALLY that never has so much been made about a virus with over a 99% survival rate.
The broad definition of coercion is “the use of express or implied threats of violence or reprisal (as discharge from employment) or other intimidating behavior that puts a person in immediate fear of the consequences in order to compel that person to act against his or her will.”
One of thousands of examples:
On Tuesday, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, a Democrat, announced that the city will force restaurants, gyms, and theaters to not allow unvaccinated people into their venues. New York City is now the first U.S. city to impose such a requirement.
“If you want to participate in society fully, you’ve got to get vaccinated.”
I just got a phone call from a young healthy man. Get the vaccine or be terminated! I am not quite sure where I live, but I’m pretty sure it is not the United States of America anymore.
Israel is the most vaccinated country in the world and they have been vaccinating children as young as 12 years old. If what you say is true then why are nearly 60% of all their hospitalizations are those who are vaccinated? We are told that the vaccine significantly reduces the amount of hospitalizations but this is not the case. Israel has about 10% more vaccinated people than we do in America, but you won’t hear this from our news media because there would be calls for heads to roll and investigations for how these vaccines could be approved and used, which is the last thing they want to have happen.
Honestly, most Americans are too dumb to realize what is going on. They are dumbed and numbed by the TV and entertainment and all the unhealthy food they eat that they can’t think straight, and those who do, are so riddled with insecurity that they will literally fall in line even if they know its the wrong thing to do.
If you think the FDA and CDC are honest then I suggest you take a little look into the drug Vioxx which was approved by the FDA and the FDA was clearly bought and paid off so that this drug would be approved. Vioxx killed at LEAST 60,000 Americans because it caused heart attacks which the studies showed this but the pharmaceutical company sent a lot to make and research the drug so they needed to get it approved to make their money back and make their investors happy. The drug also caused 140,000 heart attacks THAT WE KNOW OF. Now, imagine how many people who had a family member who died of a heart attack but didn’t know it was due to Vioxx? Cardiovascular disease is the number one killer in America so that’s an awful lot of people, so I think its easy to asume that it killed well over 100,000 Americans simply for profit and OUR FDA approved it because they were bought off. You want to know something even crazier! Not a single person went to jail.
And yet, you have the audacity to talk like you do?! Sad.
I have used some online sources here and borrowed from
Spike proteins (S1 and S2) are introduced by the virus. The jabs (they are not vaccines) can remove the S2 proteins, but the S1 proteins effectively become protected.
“(mRNA injection) destroys (recipients’) immune systems by creating a reservoir of S1 protein presenting Non-Classical Monocytes that reduce the body’s ability to produce antibodies to fight off future COVID infection.”
You can live with the infections, as can bats – but every new exposure to the virus increases the reservoir of S1 spike proteins until you are overwhelmed and die.
The reported ~40,000 worldwide deaths, and the hundreds of thousands of adverse effects, are the tip of the iceberg. These jabs are highly dangerous, whereas the actual virus is not, especially to under 80s in reasonable health. The UK’s health advisors noted back in March 2020 that this is no more dangerous than normal ‘flu.
“The vaccine either had spike proteins in it (Pfizer and Moderna) or causes your cells to begin producing spike proteins via mRNA (Pfizer, Moderna, J&J, Astrazeneca, all of them but Novavax). This causes your body to have an immediate immune response and begin producing antibodies against the spike proteins. This would make your body effectively immune to COVID if it worked properly. But it doesn’t for 1 reason. The S1 spike proteins being eaten by your Classical Monocytes are being turned into Non-Classical monocytes (which should die in 1 week or less normally) that are not undergoing apoptosis, and therefore never dying.
These S1 presenting monocytes are going throughout the body and causing serious damage, and hurting your immune system. ”
It is also clear that HCQ is effective in preventing the virus from working:
“The virus functions similar to malaria mechanical function inside the blood. It rips the hemes off of your hemoglobin, making your blood not be able to transport oxygen to your organs. This is why COVID causes organ failure, and low oxygen levels. This is also why Hydroxychloroquine works against it, it prevents your hemes from being torn off your hemoglobin. ”
Ventilators are useless in this scenario.
The fraud here us that there is zero excuse for emergency FDA approvals, because we have treatments to prevent/remediate infection (HCQ/Zinc) and treat the virus – Ivermectin and nicotine. They are out of patent.
The plan to rush through FDA approval of these killer treatments is intended to shoot the fox of “it’s an experiment” objectors, and to negate the imminent news that we already have solutions, and therefore we can wait for the experimental jabs to be tested “normally”
I put “normally” in quotes because a normal trial would have ended by now and these jabs would be outlawed.
You seem like you’re interested in the truth. You’re getting there that is for sure. The reason the studies the NIH provided us along with others regarding HQ all used dosages that far exceed the safest highest dosage. Go to any website that deals with medication and look at the safest highest dosage for HQ. Then go to any study that says it doesn’t work and go to the methodology section of the study and you will see the dosages they used on the people in the study. All of the dosages will far exceed what is considered safe. They purposely corrupted the studies to create the results they wanted. The primary reason is that the Emergency Order for the vaccines would not be provided to these vaccine companies had there been one SINGLE approved treatment by the FDA or CDC. They literally allowed hundreds of thousands of people die simply beaus they didn’t want the vaccine not to be produced. To make matters worse, the hospitals were paid per patient diagnosed with COVID at the tune of 18k and every patient intubated at 20k which was around 40k if both were done so the hospitals were incentivized to literally kill people for profit. The rest of the people went along with it because if you look at Pfizer stock and Moderna stock they exploded 15-25 times their value in late 2019 to today. A lot of people made a fortune on investing in these stocks so people are going to push the vaccines because they want to keep the money rolling in while the people at the top, the ones who print the money, they don’t even care about currency, they have more nefarious plans with these vaccines and the new mandates which in the future sets a scare precedent for us all.
COVID was created over 20 years ago. This was not a bat made virus nor was it an accidental leak. This was all planned by Communists. This single event has given the Federal Government domain over our own bodies. Pfizer and Moderna owned patents for COVID long ago. Instead of trying to explain you should read this. This makes more sense than anything out there. China didn’t do this… As much as I hate to say it…
Any data about placebo experiments involving covid19? Wow, what an update ,As of July 19, 2021 there were 419,513 adverse event reports associated with Covid-19 vaccination in the U.S., with a total of 1,814,326 symptoms…MSM is not reporting that..Now we know being vaccinated does not mean immunity, but maybe less sever symptoms..It’s sort of a trade off..vaccine side effects or virus symptoms..which to choose.? People are dying either way..Natural immunity is the good news if one survives the virus..but another life or death gamble.. God bless ..
As a scientist and in your findings, how do these vaccines compare to prior vaccines in regards to the FDA approval. My concern is that the death rate is extremely high for this vaccine! What are the previous thresholds of vaccines that were not approved by the FDA and were pulled completely?
Do you have a list of doctors that after reviewing health history would not recommend the vaccine or a link for those of us that may need a medical exemptions or just an exemption for our employer? I know that a majority of the doctors in any insurance coverage will push the vaccine just like the flu vaccine. I live in Riverside, California if that helps in the location.
Thank you for being on Newsmax, your articles are helpful and SCARY at the same time….
Could you find the VAERS Specified Reporting Period for the various COVID-19 Vaccines please. is the best info I have found, but I had heard that the reporting period was 72 hours. If true, that explains why the numbers are vastly underreported.
When humans take place of rats,I worry and stand-off .All the immigrants don’t get it ?Whats up with that .?So much don’t make scene.Who know how a cold heart beats.But when in drought sit it out.I had the flu early when this covid had been here maybe a month.It was worse flu I remember .Could been covid .But I’m older to .It’s hard to trust ,When you see all that’s coming out daily .Talking about force .Loosing jobs.Lottery,All that’s crazy seem desperate to give .Ever known them want to help everyone.If did would not be loosing so much .lot going on should not be seems .Common scenes .
I personally know 3 people who died from pulmonary embolisms weeks after receiving the Covid vaccines. That is a lot considering I don’t know many people. Just recently my perfectly healthy next-door neighbor died. He was discovered with multiple pulmonary embolisms 3 weeks after the second Moderna shot. I suspect many of these deaths are going unreported.
Is there any progress being made in official recognition of natural immunity? Antibody testing or a recovery document ought to be a legitimate way to certify our proof of immunity just as “fully vaccinated” cards are being used for admission into institutions, events, travel, etc. that are now being required in many instances. recovered in
I’m leery about getting the jab considering I’ve had a reaction to the adjuvants in the flu shot resulting in subacute thyroiditis [SAT]. This happened 8 times. and each time the autoimmune response to the adjuvants lengthened. Why did I keep getting the flu shot? My hypothyroidism had been unregulated for 5 years. So it was hard to tell what was happening and what was actually causing the SAT.
It took a phlebotomist to suggest not getting the flu shot if it causes SAT. I stopped that fall and never had it again.
Interestingly I’ve read a couple articles by endocrinologists regarding SAT and flu shots. Apparently it is a rare reaction to flu shots and their adjuvants. It’s also a reaction one can get from the jab. And all of the patients with these reactions did not have thyroid disease before getting SAT from the jab.
My other issue is I’ve had myo-pericarditis because of being under medicated by a doctor who didn’t know how to treat hypothyroidism properly. I nearly died from both the under medicated hypothyroidism and the myo-pericarditis. These things I don’t want to repeat.
Adjuvants are what increases the antibody development of vaccines.
Very nicely done. The obvious research question that flows from this analysis is, ‘how does this compare to other vaccine roll outs’. I have a number of further research questions. Do the vaccines prevent someone from getting Covid – i think the answer is ‘no’. Do the vaccines stop a person from being a carrier of the disease i.e. able to pass it on to others. I think the answer is ‘no’. Do the vaccines limit the impact of Covid if you get the disease after vaccination? I think the answer might be yes, but as it has been shown in Israel, for the Pfzier vaccine, its efficacy wanes after 6 months. Is there a serious risk from Covid 19 to young people under the age of 20? I am reasonably sure the answer is ‘no’. My last question… then why does it appear likely that young people are going to be forced to take a vaccine in my State in Australia where we currently have NO active Covid 19 cases if they want to be part of society? I honestly don’t see how the risk-benefit ratio stacks up, at least for young healthy people. Note, I am not looking for any replies or conspiracy theories. I am genuinely puzzled as to how we got to this place in western countries.
Thank you for all of your hard work and unceasing integrity/commitment to the truth.
My husband just told me about your tweet about reactions to the covid vaccine’s experienced by women. I appreciate you standing up for the truth in this. I suspect the adverse reports would be much greater for women who’s doctors didn’t POO POO the event. Mine said loudly “FAKE NEWS” when I politely asked if he thought the fact that my postmenopausal period ENDED one month following my second Pfizer shot in March 2021 and I was once again menstruating and MID-CYCLE. Obviously this startled them leading to multiple lab tests and two surgical procedures with biopsies, fortunately all negative.. I had been in the post menopausal phase since mid 2018. Okay… that’s a LONG time to be postmenopausal for it to suddenly end. The more people I ask in the doctor’s office, the more people tell me they have never seen that happen. I will be 62 in a few weeks. My hormone levels have just returned to their previous post menopausal levels. There will NOT be a booster in my future. I have learned through my battle with Lyme Disease and what it took to get someone to take me seriously that women are still seen as “hysterical” and “over reacting” when they are probably just tired or depressed. For that reason I have self reported to VAERS as well as Pfizer. I hope more women report what happened to them and not listen to doctors who tell them it’s not possible, it’s just a normal fluctuation, etc. Let the data show that.
Again…. I can’t thank you enough for being one of the sources I can trust for accurate reporting and high quality investigative reporting.
Incredible information. Please view and spread.
UK Funeral Director
South Carolina Nurse Testimony
“Hydrogels have been conducted into the biomedical application to provide a tunable three-dimensional scaffold for cell adhesion, migration, and/or differentiation, and they could also be designed as the platform for the controlled release of cytokines and drugs in tissue engineering and drug delivery …
In many of the sickest patients with COVID-19, their blood is teeming with high levels of immune system proteins called cytokines.
Bill Gates is building something that he call the Human Implantable Quantum Dot Microneedle Vaccination Delivery System,
At its center we have the COVID-19 vaccination that he wants to give every human on earth, a digital identification mark from ID2020, with a patent number of #060606.
“WHY” is it every “COMMON SENSE” response to the vaccine’s problems is rejected to keep justifying the injection of people,
Anyone ever think “MAYBE” the virus is justification to accomplish a “ONE WORLD GOAL”???
My son, age 35 has experienced severe panic attacks since receiving the Pfizer vaccine. How many others have experienced this adverse result. I heard you mention this in your podcast but it was part of a group
I wonder what percentage of people that took the shot suffer adverse effects, either immediate or ling-term? I have heard some scientists say that everyone that took the shots will be dead in 2-3 years, others have said 5-10 years. Thanks.
I now personally know 12x more people who got Covid AFTER getting the shot than people who got Covid at the height of the pandemic. No jabs for me! Not for any reason!
Ok I’m not a vaccine expert, moreover I’m a toaster expert which has absolutely nothing to do with vaccines – yet it’s pretty clear what’s going on.
What I’m trying to say is you don’t need to be no expert to see that this is all a bit shady. Make sure to do your own research before letting your self into it.