Minority of parents are getting their eligible children vaccinated for Covid-19

So far, a minority of parents are opting to get their young children vaccinated for Covid-19.

That’s according to federal data reported by Reuters and Medscape.

According to the data, of 28 million eligible children, only around 5 million have received even a single dose.

Like other federal data, even the relatively low number gives an exaggerated appearance of compliance because it includes single dose patients that are not actually “fully vaccinated” with two necessary doses. Therefore, the number of fully vaccinated children is even below the 5 million mark.

The experimental vaccine program for children ages 5-11 began on November 3.

Vaccine interests have portrayed those who do not wish to get vaccinated, or do not wish to get their children vaccinated for Covid-19, as vaccine deniers, skeptics or hesitant. That would mean the vast majority of American parents fall under one of those categories.

However, experts say some parents are opting out of vaccination for their children because Covid-19 has a near-zero chance of causing serious illness, let alone death, among otherwise healthy children.

Data also indicates natural immunity after Covid infection, even for those who get no symptoms, is superior to vaccine-induced immunity.

There are also questions about effectiveness of the vaccines since scientists say they “wane” or wear off after several months requiring one or two more boosters within the same year as the initial double-dose.

Additionally, the vaccines have risk of side effects, including serious ones in young people. The full adverse event profile of the Covid-19 vaccines will not be known for years, according to experts, as time passes and more people get vaccinated.

Scientists say some vaccine side effects take months or years to manifest. Others can happen almost right away. There are numerous reports of paralysis, nerve disorders, blood clots, heart inflammation and stroke, among other alleged side effects from Covid-19 vaccination.

The CDC and FDA say the Covid-19 vaccines are safe and effective for all populations they are recommended for. The agencies also say the vaccines work against the new Omicron variant. However, vaccine companies are said to be developing new vaccines for the Omicron variant.

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5 thoughts on “Minority of parents are getting their eligible children vaccinated for Covid-19”

  1. These criminals (Big Pharma and ignorant Government Bureaucrats) need to be taken to the courts for crimes against humanity. We need to put the lot of them onto death row but with no waiting period before execution. The destruction of societies and total lack of love as it relates to these experimental drugs and mandates have just devastated communities and relationships across the world.

    When will people wake up??

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