POLL: Most strongly disapprove of Big Tech’s handling of our information

A whopping 98% say they disapprove of the job Big Tech is doing in managing our information.

That’s according to the latest unscientific poll of 1,161 people at SharylAttkisson.com.

Among those who say they disapprove, 94% say they “strongly” disapprove.

Fewer than 1% say they strongly approve.

Full results are below. Be sure to answer the newest poll at SharylAttkisson.com. Look for the black box on the right sidebar on your computer or scroll way down on your mobile device.

I _______ of the job Big Tech is doing in managing our info

<1% Strongly approve

<1% Approve

4% Disapprove

94% Strongly disapprove

1% None of the above

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4 thoughts on “POLL: Most strongly disapprove of Big Tech’s handling of our information”

  1. Sharyl and Full Measure Team,

    Who runs Hollywood runs Big Tech :

    Who had ripped the TEN Commandments from the
    public square—and PRAYER from pubic schools ? :

    The American Communist Lawyers Union ( ACLU ).

    The Libertine Wrecking Ball has been – is ! – the
    atheistic ACLU, and its Liberal Christians and
    dumb-as-a-box-of-bent-nails H U M A N I S T
    D U P E S / D O P E S ! :

    Big Tech and ACLU and Spy Agencies are
    behind-the-scenes BRETHREN !


  2. GOOD For you Sharyl !.. Two thumbs up, I once seen a episode of American Greed true crime series about 5,000 different episodes on Fraud, money laundering Ponzi-Schemes and so on, one was on Bernie Madoff and what he did, Any how to make a long story short, one top person in the Federal trade commision doing investigation with D.O.J. going after these people in one episode made a statement saying if somebody in this country in making that Kind of Huge money every month, they have to be some things illegal ??? ( Just ask Facebook ? They been fined 5 times by lawmakers ) Don’t let Big Tech Steal and muscle in on ya Girl ? ” Girl Power !!!

  3. While BigTech certainly minimizes efforts to manage/protect our information, we have choices and (at least a bit of…) control over what information is in their hands. Tech being tech, it’s easy to play the ‘poor me, how do they know that’ card (you’d be shocked); but by applying a bit of (all too un-) common sense and accepting there’s still no such thing as ‘free’, we have some control over what information they manage. We are the product, people. There is no such thing as privacy on the Internet. If you object to BigTech handling of your information, stop giving it to them so freely!

  4. Big techs bad engineering, Connecting too many Sub-connections being established, putting your systems at Risk for live Trojan Horse activities back dooring your systems.. Example; Try this if your running Windows 10 -11 = Run your Command prompt app as Administrator raised activity > wait for it load, Type in netstat you’ll see your internet Ip address established connection, Now start visiting websites without closing your command prompt black window app, after a while you will see a Bunch up to 23 or more of Sub-connections being established in that black command prompt Window, established with other sub-connections… I consider this a security threat live trojan horse of activity poorly designed in devices Apps and Browsers and internet software systems.. Idiot’s just make the one followed IP connection using two established ip- addresses and End them when i leave one site to another. ” Good Grief !” ” Hey every dis- honest person in the world I’m or American’s is on the internet come back door in live and grab a bag of potato chips and watch us all = a Brothel of Bad engineering ??? Poor Sheriff and State police and City and county Computers, no wonder we be targeted by the bad guy’s with ransomware and trojanware record cyber crime costed us Billion’s in the past 5 years ???

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