A majority of voters continue to say that America’s crime problem is getting worse, even though President Joe Biden’s rating on the issue has improved.
That’s according to the latest Rasmussen Reports.
The national telephone survey found that 60% of likely U.S. voters believe violent crime in America is getting worse – this number is almost unchanged from 62% recorded last October.
Eighteen percent (18%) think the crime problem is getting better, while 21% see it as staying about the same.
Forty-one percent (41%) rated Biden as doing a “good” or “excellent” job of handling crime and law enforcement issues while 42% gave Biden a “poor” rating on crime issues.
Last October, 48% rated Biden “poor” on his handling of crime.
Two-thirds (66%) of Democrats rated Biden “good” or “excellent” for his handling of crime and law enforcement issues, but that view is shared by only 21% of Republicans and 32% of voters not affiliated with either major party.
Sixty-six percent (66%) of Republicans gave Biden a “poor” rating on crime, as do 16% of Democrats and 47% of unaffiliated voters.
To see survey question wording, click here.

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Poll people about the price of groceries, and you’re getting a first-hand response because buying groceries is something that everyone deals with directly. They KNOW for a fact whether things they buy are getting more or less expensive.
Poll people about crime, and you’re getting a SECOND-HAND response (for the most part) because most people are only reacting to the news, not their own first-hand experience with crime.
Plus, the major new media tends to cover crime because it’s dramatic, so it is likely to be over-covered or the coverage is likely to be attention-getting. So this is the type of public opinion poll that I wouldn’t put much faith in, compared with economic polls. A poll about crime tells you more about news coverage then about crime.
Well stated!
I had the same thought before I saw your comment. So you are obviously correct.
That made me laugh, Ellen. Thank you
William Bayer makes a good point but news media have a tendency to NOT cover crime that does not fit a specific narrative, particularly on the National cable and broadcast news stations. For example drive by and random shootings in the major cities do not get much National coverage but mass shootings will get covered with subsequent gun control proponents.
Based on the poll results it would be interesting in knowing who they blame for crime getting worse if not Biden!
For 60+years, major media have
covered up TRUE Crime stats,
in order HIDE from WHITEY how
damaging immigration has been
( legal and illegal )—so that
. . . WHITEY ! . . .
would not clamor for ( complain
about ) the remaking of whites’
Good Civil Society via importa-
tion of anti-white people of color.
Read Aristotle’s warning against
the DANGER of race-mixing, cit-
ing many examples of such mix-
ing eventuating BLOODY revolts :
“Another cause of revolution is difference of races which do not at once acquire a common spirit; for a state is not the growth of a day, any more than it grows out of a multitude brought together by accident. Hence the reception of strangers in colonies, either at the time of their foundation or afterwards, has generally produced revolution.”
In my files, I have news articles
– from over several decades –
of major media hiding
TRUTH-in-CRIME records; that
is, police departments getting
caught covering up true CRIME
stats, about the color of crime
BY new immigrants—to include
the FBI, to this very day :
FBI purposely LIES : https://gab.com/MarkCollett/posts/110207307170679434
Why lie ?—to fool WHITEY into believing there is “NO Color of Crime,” about which to be concerned ( Sharyl, recall my post by an Australian journalist, citing the horrid true
CRIME stats, showing WHITEY to appear as SAINTLY in comparison to black Africans’ and brown Hispanics’ criminality. And all those “smash and grab” events and “knock out games” are product of WHITE people in black-face and brown-face . . . ?
WHITEY, you’ll
FEEL guilty
and like it—or
else :