(POLL) GOP has edge with independent voters on corruption issues

Republicans are more trusted to deal with corruption in government, especially among independent voters.

That’s according to the latest Rasmussen Reports.

The survey found that 45% of likely U.S. voters trust Republicans more to handle government ethics and corruption, while 42% trust Democrats more, and 13% are not sure.

The GOP has gained slightly on this issue since January.

Eighty-four percent (84%) of Republicans trust their party more to deal with corruption, while 83% of Democratic voters trust their party more.

Among voters not affiliated with either major party, 45% trust Republicans more to handle government ethics and corruption, while 29% trust Democrats more.

This 16-point margin among independents is slightly higher than the 14-point advantage the GOP held on this issue in January.

To see survey question wording, click here.

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4 thoughts on “(POLL) GOP has edge with independent voters on corruption issues”

  1. Joshua from Ohio

    Have you seen the Ohio GOP? One was just sentenced to 20 Years on Corruption Charges.

    I am a Libertarian and the corrupted GOP are the reason we do not have ballot access. When Ohio Republicans can’t win fairly, they have to cheat! And yet, they feel entitled to my vote? They have not earned my vote.

    It was our Republican Governor who locked us in our home, made us cover our mouths, and told us our jobs were non-essential!

    For those of you who only think only in binary, this does not mean that I like the Democrats. I would rather not vote at all, than support either of these power-hungry political organizations.

    1. I’m up just east of Cleveland. There is a LONG history of corruption in Ohio politics, mostly in large cities like Cleveland and Cincinatti, involving republicans AND democrats.

      When I was a kid, one of my closest friends’ father was head of the republican party in Cuyahoga County (a longtime democrat stronghold), and he was found dead in his garage with a bruise on his head and the car motor running. He had been considered instrumental in getting George Voinovich elected Mayor of Cleveland, and if my memory is correct, was found dead in his garage as Voinovich was running for Governor — an election which he won.

      I don’t recall ever hearing any more about it, and presume that there was insufficient evidence to conclude that it was anything other than an accident. But the guy was a real power broker in northern Ohio politics, and not the sort of guy to be out in his garage working on his own car.

      Then there’s the later case of Jimmy Dimora — democrat chairman in Cuyahoga county, as referenced in Wikipedia:

      “In 2012 Dimora was convicted of 32 charges including racketeering, bribery, conspiracy, and tax charges and sentenced to 28 years in federal prison in one of the largest criminal corruption cases in Ohio history.”

      So gangsterism is bipartisan in Ohio politics.

  2. This article and posters replies seems to have coined the facts as to why Satin has two Horns on top of his Head = Left and the Right and there Giggling corporate Lobbiest Minion followers ??? ” Like sand in the Hour glass so are the days of our lives ? I got a Tip for The NSA and DOJ. If you Raid the Merchant ships passing through the Panama Canal with the stacks of semi trailers hauling goods into Mexico, I’m betting you’ll find Fentanyl being imported from other countries, and other drugs. You can reward me in coming months for this tip….FBI cold case files solved !

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