Maddie De Garay was just 12 years old when she volunteered to be part of Pfizer’s Covid vaccine study on children.
After her second dose, she developed a cascade of serious illnesses that left her paralyzed, in a wheelchair, on a feeding tube, with neurological problems, and more.
Sunday on Full Measure, an investigation that looks at what happened to the young girl who could be the Covid vaccine’s first child victim.
Wait until you hear how health official, study officials, and Pfizer responded when they learned how sick on of their test subjects had gotten after vaccination.
Also Sunday, we continue to follow the money when it comes to government scientists getting paid royalties by big pharma. A lot of the data has been kept a strictly held secret. But the watchdog group Open the Books has been able to force the release of some of it. Find out which scientists getting paid by taxpayers are also dipping into the well of private corporations, and how much they’re getting.
And is our military prepared to fight more than one war at a time? It’s a burning question with tensions escalating around the globe.
See you Sunday!

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Visit The Sharyl Attkisson Store today
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Hi Sharyl,
This sentence has some issues:
Wait until you hear how health official, study officials, and Pfizer responded when they learned how sick on of their test subjects had gotten after vaccination.
Thought you would want to know.
Now—fit DHS’s
secret operations
into that Covid-19,
worldwide debacle :
Forwarded Message :
In My Political Opinion—gleaned from an
extant, multiplicity of non-MSM reports :
Glenn Beck had reported, this
morning, how DHS had secretly
used taxpayer funds to create
propaganda opposing MAGA
folks !
do not forget, ever !, DHS is a
collection of about 70 agencies
(( at least one in every state, each
employing about 30 people, who
window-peep/peek in search of
nonexistent threats, so : Roman
Catholics H-A-D TO BECOME a
keep-‘em-fooled “threat” to our
security ))—all constituted from
False-Flag 9/11, which corralled
America to be a PROXY combatant
for ISRAEL; for establishing Greater
and Greater and Greater ISRAEL;
and which PLAN has allowed Marx-
ian/Globalist Social-Engineers to
DUMP anti-WHITE/anti-Chris-
tian ARABS ((“seeking a better life,”
and a WHITE girl/woman to molest))
INTO Once-White-Great-Britain,
Once-White-Europe, and Once-
White-America (( Marxian Libertine
for building their U.N-directed,
One-World, B R U T A L I T A R I A N
BUREAUcrament (my terms); and
using the Soviet Model as its
preferred management tool :
LIE to “prove” COMMUNISM is
better than Moral/Meritorious/
C A P I T A L I S M.
Airport “security” is Population-/
Mind-Control, since cargo is loaded
WITHOUT inspection WHILE little
old white ladies are being fondled
in their wheel chairs !—and thou-
sands of invading migrants are
FLOWN everywhere on commer-
cial flights WITHOUT papers and
INSPECTION, carrying diseases
and a strong GENETIC penchant
for CRIMINALITY wherever they
are dropped (( all future Welfare
Queens !, and able to get their
relatives to here—via the Family
Reunification Program, which
foretells an invasion – ongoing – of
some 100-million Third Worlders,
to ERASE White High-Culture
Civilization in America )).
“ The House Report reveals that CISA, a branch of the
Department of Homeland Security, worked with social
media platforms to censor posts it considered dis-, mis-,
or malinformation. Brian Scully, the head of CISA’s
censorship team, conceded that this process, known as
‘switchboarding,’ would ‘trigger content moderation.’ “
Above paragraph found here :
—Ashkenazi Dragging U.S. Into War, Again ? :
—Israel Soldiers Kill Their Own to Advance BRUTALITARIAN Zionism ?:
—Underground Satanic Rituals ? :