(POLL) GOP leads on Generic Congressional Ballot

With less than eight months to go before election day, Republicans have a six-point lead in their battle to maintain their narrow House majority.

That’s according to Rasmussen Reports.

The survey finds that if the elections for Congress were held today, 47% of likely voters would select the Republican candidate, while 41% would vote for the Democrat.

Just four percent (4%) would vote for some other candidate, but another eight percent (8%) are not sure.

The GOP’s advantage has narrowed slightly since January, when they led by nine points – 49% to 40% – over Democrats. 

Two years ago, in March 2022, Republicans had an 11-point lead on the generic congressional ballot. 

In the final poll before Election Day 2022, Republicans held a five-point lead, and scored a net gain of nine seats to capture a 222-213 House majority.

To see survey question wording, click here.

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1 thought on “(POLL) GOP leads on Generic Congressional Ballot”

  1. “The survey finds that if the elections for Congress were held today, 47% of likely voters would select the Republican candidate, while 41% would vote for the Democrat.”

    Unfortunately, the survey was unable to reach any kind of consensus concerning how many “republicans” are actually democrats — aka RINOs. It’s still quite a large number in our ONE PARTY system of “government.”

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