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The medical industry and public health agencies are moving ahead with plans for a combination Covid-19 and flu shot.
That’s despite growing questions over Covid-19 vaccine safety and effectiveness.
Many scientists add that even if the Covid-19 vaccines were safe and effective, they would be largely unnecessary for an illness that is mild or even undetectable in most who get it.
The following is an excerpt from Becker’s Hospital Review.
A single vaccine that protects against both Covid-19 and flu will not be ready ahead of the next virus season, a top FDA official said March 1.
Peter Marks, MD, PhD, director of the FDA’s Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research, called the task “too heavy of a lift” to be completed by this fall, noting that the need for annual Covid-19 vaccination only became clear in the past few months.
“But our goal is for the following season to have that available,” he said during an FDA webinar on Covid-19 vaccine updates.
The agency is working to develop a robust set of data to strengthen the public’s confidence in receiving both vaccines on the same day, according to Dr. Marks.
As part of a larger effort to simplify its vaccine strategy, the FDA is also working to standardize the composition of primary series and booster shots.
“We would have the same vaccine strain composition for all spike-based Cocvid-19 vaccines, which would hopefully allow one to have interchangeability,” Dr. Marks said, adding that the agency is aiming to complete this consolidation by June.
Link to article.

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No, I don’t think so. No flu/covid shot for me. In fact, NO SHOTS whatsoever for me. I refuse them.
No thank you. I had my third (and last) covid jab last March because I had to go overseas for work and the country in question still had a requirement for a jab within 9 months of entry. The last 11 months have been some of the sickest in memory for me. I’ve had weird bad colds and my Afib that had been under control for a long time went crazy again. Nope. Not for me. I don’t trust Big Pharma or Big Fed Government at all.
mRNA while sounding hopeful is very much a black box. Big Pharma was waiting (or did they plan it?) for an excuse to rollout this unproven gene therapy! Why did NIH conspire with UK Health officials on possible “vaccine” injury? Wouldn’t healthcare officials want to have this included in the conversation? (Rhetorical)! I will never get a flu shot again and combining it with C19 is sinsister!
They are just bound and determined to force people to inject this mRNA Vaccine concept to force immune responses that are turning out to have more negative effects than positive results.
One way or another they’re going to make it happen.
Eventually they’ll stop informing people that’s what they are doing.
wonder how Dr. Marks voted when the FDA was deliberating adding C19 ‘vaxx’ for young and very young children :-((
“The federal government has granted companies like Pfizer
and Moderna immunity from liability if something unintentionally goes wrong with their vaccines. You also can’t sue the Food and Drug Administration for authorizing a vaccine for emergency use, nor can you hold your employer accountable if they mandate inoculation as a condition of employment.” What person in their right mind would play a roulette wheel with these odds let alone TRUST these entities with their life, KNOWING that the recipient is the only one who bears ALL the risks and no real benefits? Only FREE UNPAID LAB RATS. No thanks commandant.