More than 20% of voters who used mail-in ballots in 2020 admit they participated in at least one form of election fraud.
That’s according to Rasmussen Reports and The Heartland Institute.
The national survey finds that 21% of likely voters who voted by absentee or mail-in ballot in the 2020 election say they filled out a ballot, in part or in full, on behalf of a friend or family member, such as a spouse or child.
Thirty percent (30%) of those surveyed said they voted by absentee or mail-in ballot in the 2020 election. Nineteen percent (19%) of those who cast mail-in votes say a friend or family member filled out their ballot, in part or in full, on their behalf.
Furthermore, 17% of mail-in voters say that in the 2020 election, they cast a ballot in a state where they were no longer a permanent resident.
All of these practices are illegal, Heartland Institute officials noted.
“The results of this survey are nothing short of stunning,” said Justin Haskins, director of the Socialism Research Center at the Heartland Institute.
“For the past three years, Americans have repeatedly been told that the 2020 election was the most secure in history. But if this poll’s findings are reflective of reality, the exact opposite is true. This conclusion isn’t based on conspiracy theories or suspect evidence, but rather from the responses made directly by the voters themselves.”
Among other findings of the Rasmussen/Heartland Institute survey, 46% of those surveyed voted for Joe Biden in 2020, while 45% voted for Donald Trump.
More Biden voters (36%) than Trump voters (23%) say they voted by absentee or mail-in ballot in the 2020 election.
Thirty-eight percent (38%) of Democrats voted by mail in 2020, as did 24% of Republicans and 27% of voters not affiliated with either major party.
To see survey question wording, click here.
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The voting system is so easily spoofed as it was in 2020. That so many voters play along speaks volumes of our culture. 1 out of 5 cheated the system. I guess I should not be surprised.
Richard Sinnott,
Cheating ought to carry a very
P E N A L T Y—say, the loss of
citizenship and deportation..
Why ?—because our WHITE
Founders/Framers knew
the history of CHEATING is
BLOODY wars.
Unlike Third World behavior,
now being invited to here by
“low-I.Q. Biden” ( says Mr. Trump ),
Whites struggle toward effect-
ing High-Culture Civilization
wherever they settle.
Deep State operators CHEAT—as they
installed Obama as
P R E S I D E N T :
Forwarded Message :
Obama was Groomed and Installed as President :
Deep State operators CHEAT—as they
installed Obama as
P R E S I D E N T :
Forwarded Message :
Obama was Groomed and Installed as President :
Richard Sinnott,
Cheating ought to carry a very
P E N A L T Y—say, the loss of
citizenship and deportation..
Why ?—because our WHITE
Founders/Framers knew
the history of CHEATING is
BLOODY wars.
Unlike Third World behavior,
now being invited to here by
“low-I.Q. Biden” ( says Mr. Trump ),
Whites struggle toward effect-
ing High-Culture Civilization
wherever they settle.
The voting system is so easily spoofed as it was in 2020. That so many voters play along speaks volumes of our culture. 1 out of 5 cheated the system. I guess I should not be surprised.
Democrats have a long sordid history regarding fraudulent voting that took advantage of seniors residing in government subsidized housing and nursing homes.
I reside in one of these places but remain independent and, (as far as I know), and voted only once. Of course here in Texas, no Dominion voting machines were allowed thus preventing algorithms from becoming involved. You know, incidences where Trump’s totals declined by a couple hundred thousand while Biden’s rose at the same exact time. Algorithms are fine when used by pollsters in a predictive capacity but have NO place in actual counts of live voting.
Maybe the nation should use the Texas model..
Democrats have a long sordid history regarding fraudulent voting that took advantage of seniors residing in government subsidized housing and nursing homes.
I reside in one of these places but remain independent and, (as far as I know), and voted only once. Of course here in Texas, no Dominion voting machines were allowed thus preventing algorithms from becoming involved. You know, incidences where Trump’s totals declined by a couple hundred thousand while Biden’s rose at the same exact time. Algorithms are fine when used by pollsters in a predictive capacity but have NO place in actual counts of live voting.
Maybe the nation should use the Texas model..
And that doesn’t count the photocopied ballots that arrived in key precincts by the truckload. Our elections are nothing less than a crime spree.
And that doesn’t count the photocopied ballots that arrived in key precincts by the truckload. Our elections are nothing less than a crime spree.